5 Apps to Make This School Year Easier
Although the days are still long and hot, the end of August means the beginning of a new school year and a plethora of possibilities. On the flip side, it also means days and nights full of homework, soccer practice, school plays, science fairs, class projects, etc., and there never seems to be enough hours in a day to get everything done. Fortunately, if you’ve looked around recently, you probably noticed that we live in a smart era full of technology that makes things easier!
Volunteer Spot
This app is a platform both teachers and parents can use to send out volunteer opportunities and stay up-to-date on school events. Volunteer Spot serves as a replacement for paper volunteer sign-up and allows parents to pick a time that fits their schedule, sign up to bring food or supplies and automatically sends reminders so parents honor their commitments. Wherever teachers need help—the lunchroom, reading time, field trips, etc.—this app can help you organize it all!
Parents have probably heard of this popular language-learning app, but may not realize how easy it is to use. Duolingo is free to use, offers 20 fully developed courses, and is even successful in elementary age kids! Outside of the home, instructors can bring Duolingo into the classroom and use it as an additional resource for teaching a new language.
Flash cards are a tried and true method of studying pretty much anything, but they can be draining to make and subtract from time spent actually learning—enter Quizlet! Quizlet is a website and app that allows users to make flash cards with text, images or charts, and study them a variety of ways. Kids can make cards for so many things and test their knowledge with quizzes. Use Quizlet this school year and see how it helps you learn!
Web design is a tricky task, so unless it’s a hobby or your profession, most design programs probably confuse you. Luckily, teachers can still create beautiful layouts for posters, cards, worksheets and so many other projects! Don’t waste time and effort trying learning how to use complicated software; download the Canva app this school year for fun projects and handouts and impress students—and yourself with the final product.
Photo Math
Do you ever wish you could take a picture of your math homework and get help immediately? Now you can! The app Photo Math prompts user to snap a photo of the problem they are working on and interactively teaches how to solve the problem. Several similar homework apps don’t help with a specific problem or just show the answer instead of teaching the student how to solve it. Photo Math will help your kid learn how to do their math homework and increase grades!
Not all technology is a time-waster; use the apps above to have a breezy, organized school year! Now that you’re ready and set for the school year with these apps, check out more expert advice and tips in these Neighbourly blogs!