Summertime Heat is Hard on Your Car
Have you ever been driving along a scorching road in the dead of summer and wondered, “What’s that smell?” Unfortunately, it could be a myriad of things, but most often it may be related to the toll summertime heat takes on your vehicle.
As fun as they are, long road trips in the heat can wreak havoc on your car batteries, tires, gas, and even interior surfaces. However, some of that damage can be levied if you learn what to look out for and how to treat it before it becomes a problem.

Sometimes known as the big black box that powers your car, the battery in the engine can be damaged by too much heat. Tough vibrations and heat are battery killers; over time, bolts for the battery may become loose and that combined with summer scorchers is a recipe for disaster.
If the battery is overheated it may lead to internal breakdown and eventual failure. Imagine being in the middle of the desert in July and have your car battery die out! A good way to avoid this disaster is to frequently check that your battery is well mounted and not overheated.
Summertime temperatures may also cause faster evaporation of battery fluid. If this happens, it can lead to corrosion on the terminals and connections. Keep an eye out for signs of this and clean up as soon as possible so it doesn’t become a problem.
Extreme temperatures can be specifically harsh on your tires. Since they are made of rubber, they are prone to more wear and tear than other parts of your vehicle. There is also some danger in driving constantly on hot asphalt—it’s like fighting fire with more fire. Heat can cause your tires to expand and if they’re already over-inflated (or even under-inflated) a bad blowout may be near.
Check your tire pressure consistently to make sure they’re in tip-top condition for driving throughout the summer.
During the summer, the gas evaporates quicker in a hot vehicle. You may find yourself filling your tank more often, and the heat can be the culprit!
You may be able to avoid this if you are careful about keeping your car parked in the shade during these hot months.
Even if that means getting to work earlier or parking in the back parking lot at the shopping mall, it’s probably worth it.
Have you ever gotten in a car and immediately noticed the peeling or cracked dashboard? Or sat on seats and felt the scratchy leather picking at your legs? That’s because that person didn’t read this blog! If you constantly leave your car susceptible to the extreme heat in the summer by always parking it in direct sunlight, you’ll start to see the interior surfaces get damaged.
Again, the major key to avoiding this damage is to be mindful of how long your car is exposed to direct sunlight and preventing damage by utilizing nearby shade and sun shields.
Hopefully, you’re now ready to take on the summer heat and know how to keep your car safe from damage. To learn more about this topic and more, check out some of our other blogs here!