Dethatch, Aerate, Seed: Bringing Your Lawn Back Next Year
As the summer months come to a close, it’s time to ask yourself a question: How’s your lawn holding up? Has the summer heat taken a toll on your grass? Don’t worry – this is nearly inevitable. However, now is the time to ensure your lawn comes back well next year. It’s never too early to be thinking about a pretty, green lawn for spring!
The best method to revitalize your lawn is to dethatch, aerate and seed. By removing the top layer of dead grass, perforating the soil and filling in the bare patches, you can help guarantee your lawn is lush and beautiful for next year. Thankfully, you don’t have to do it alone! The Grounds Guys, one of our Neighborly brands, is here to help. Give your local team of professionals a call and check out this lawn beautifying blog.