Spring Clean Your House & Your Life: Quick Tips
Your home is the backdrop of your life. Now that spring is here, homeowners like you are thinking about tidying up. As you do, check out these tips from Neighborly to keep your house – and your life – clean and healthy.
Your Home Deserves Some Love
Use these tips to increase the quality of your home environment and the longevity of your property.

- Inspect for mold. Mold is not only unsightly, but it’s also bad for your home’s structure and your health. As you “clean up and clear out” this spring, you may find a suspicious spot on the floor, the ceiling, or the wall. If you think you’ve discovered mold, call the experts at Rainbow International who can safely and effectively take care of the problem.
- Evaluate your indoor air quality. Springtime begs for open windows and walks outdoors with your family. Is your air indoors as fresh as the air you crave outside? Use this cheat sheet from Aire Serv to breathe easier in your home.
- Clean your carpets.Once you’ve completed some organizing, look down – is your once-plush carpet looking dingy? Carpet cleaning is the original service that Rainbow International, the oldest brand in our Neighborly family, provides for customers. If your carpets need rejuvenating, give them a call – you’ll be in good hands!
- Dress your walls in fresh paint. Could your walls use a pick-me-up? This season is a great time to splash your walls with a fresh coat of paint. Find out why from our friends at Five Star Painting!
- Get your home professionally cleaned. Once you’ve completed some of these larger projects, you’ll want to tackle some plain old cleaning – the friendly faces at Molly Maid can help! Leave it to the pros so you can save time and enjoy your like-new home faster.
Hone Your Organizational Process
Maintain sanity over the long run by keeping things in order.
- Create your “Keep, Toss, Donate” piles. If you’ve been keeping up with our blog recently, you know we’re big proponents of “Keep, Toss, Donate” piles. We think cleaning up and clearing out is an essential first step to any spring cleaning undertaking. For tips and tricks on this project, check out this blog!
- Organize your closet. Your closet is an essential “pit stop” in your morning routine. Your day will go more smoothly if it’s organized and ready to go! Check out this blog for expert closet-cleaning tips, and call on Mr. Handyman for building custom storage solutions!
- Update your laundry practices. Not only is spring cleaning is a great opportunity to wash items that don’t need frequent washing, like throw rugs and pillow covers, but it’s also a time to think about how you wash. Are you doing your laundry in a way that cares for your clothes, your appliances, and the environment? Mr. Appliance has tips to make your laundry process as healthy and “green” as possible!
- Organize your computer files. We’re willing to bet you log onto your computer every single day. Because computers have seamlessly become part of our lives, consider investing time to organize digital files by last viewed, type, or size. Create folders for tax-related documents, family photos, work-related documents, recipes to simplify the chaos that is your desktop!
For Your Life
Let spring cleaning also be a time for reflecting on what helps you “do life” better.
- Make more time. Take the opportunity to evaluate where you’re spending your time in this season. It’s precious! We’ve got helpful tips on creating more time – check them out in this blog!
- Create a home budget. If you feel your spending is random and unpredictable, take control by creating a budget for your family. There are several free budgeting apps (like Wally or Mint) that can help track your expenses and categorize them automatically. Another great way to budget is by using the “envelope method.” By labeling envelopes with categories like “Groceries,” “Restaurants,” “Gas,” and “Entertainment” and then placing your budgeted cash in each envelope, you can ensure you’ll never spend more than you set aside.
- Take care of your emotional and physical health. Both kinds are incredibly important! Set aside time in your day to relax, reflect or meditate. Ensure you’re drinking enough water and getting enough sleep. Want to kill two birds with one stone? Go for a walk, jog, bike ride, or swim. Exercise releases endorphins which make you feel good and help balance hormones – addressing both the physical and the emotional. Read a book to focus your thoughts or take yourself on an imaginative adventure. Keeping a journal or having a long conversation with a friend is also good for the soul!
Say “hello” to spring! With these tips, you’ll be ready to care for your household and your life. Let us help you with your home! Contact a trusted Neighborly service professional at Neighborly.com.