Spring Maintenance Checklist
With spring in full swing, it might be time to get your home ready for those warmer months ahead. Take some time and knock these tasks out to keep your home comfortable and efficient this season. Most of these tasks can be completed in a weekend without any help from a professional:

- Replace air filters: It is a good idea to replace air filters every 6 months. The beginning of spring and the beginning of fall are great times to do so.
- Look in the attic for roof leaks that might have formed since the fall: With all of the heavy precipitation this past winter, it is possible that new leaks might have formed in your roof. Take the time now to find out.
- Check your yard equipment and make sure it is in operable condition: Make sure your yard equipment is working properly before your grass gets too tall. If you wait until the last minute, your equipment might not be working properly which could cause some frustration later on.
- Clean all outdoor furniture: Wipe down all of the outdoor chairs and loungers before you sit down.
- Wash windows: Cleaning the inside and outside will really cause the sun to shine through.
- Spray for pests: Pests typically pop back up in the spring, so it is always best to take preventative measures so you don’t have any little bugs running around.
- Ensure your appliances are running smoothly: Did you not run your blender much this past winter? Make sure it works before you start making those spring smoothies. Checking your appliances now will save you frustration later on.
- Tune up your HVAC: It is always a good idea to tune up your HVAC unit before it gets too hot outside.